How to bridge ERC20 tokens between Ethereum and Linea
We recommend that only tech operators that are providing liquidity use our bridge for ERC20 tokens. For everyone else, check out third-party bridges. ERC20 tokens can only be bridged via manual claiming, which requires you to cover the ETH fee on the destination layer. Make sure your wallet is properly funded before beginning this process!
If you're bridging a token to Linea that hasn't been deployed before and you see a difference in the transferred token amount, don't worry โ your tokens aren't lost. This could be a "token bridge decimal mismatch," which affects how the value is displayed. The chance of encountering this is quite low, but still good to know about.
If you would like to bridge between other networks, check out third-party bridges.
Check out the tutorial on how to bridge ETH to learn how to use our bridge and appropriately fund your wallet.
Go to our token bridge here.
Connect your wallet in the top-right corner of the page.
On the token bridge, go to the token selection menu by clicking on the current token symbol (ETH in this case).

- Select one of the available tokens in the list. If the token is not in the list, paste the address of the token you want to add into the search bar.

- Click on the token to select it.

- You now can bridge this token, and it will be saved in your token list for future bridging.